If you want some inspiration on how to build your factory, take a look at the video below. It’s a video made by Nerd Parade. They give you a tour around their massive factory. I saw some nice tips and tricks that I will use rebuilding some of my factories.
For more video’s please go to: Nerd Parade: Satisfactory
Satisfactory Tutorials
Satisfactory – Factory Design Tutorial – Think Vertically and Compartmentalize! by BLUF Gaming
A nice tutorial on how to startup and upscale your factory and production in Satisfactory. Video is made by BLUF Gaming. I like the way he explains the why and how about building a efficient factory. Please feel free to check out his YouTube Channel: BLUF Gaming
Automate Biomass/BioFuel by Geekism
As simple tutorial on how to automate your Biomass/BioFeul production so that you always have enough to feed the need for power!